Canned Mandarins
This was a first for us but definitely won’t be a last! We purchased a box of mandarins from our local FFA and made homemade canned mandarins. They are amazing and we probably won’t be able to eat canned ones from the store again! Here’s what you need:
Mandarins (Remove peels and separate slices removing as much white pilth as possible)
Jars (sterilized in over at 210 for 10 minutes)
Funnel/jar grabber/water bath filled 2/3 with water
The deets:
After mandarins are cleaned, pack into sterile jars.
Mix 6 cups of water with 3 cups of sugar over medium heat until sugar dissolves and it just starts to boil.
Remove from heat and fill jars.
Wipe rims, add lids and bands and water bath (covered 1” by water) for 10 minutes.
Remove jars and voila! Home canned mandarins.
We had 10 pounds of mandarins and we filled 10 pints.
We hope you get the opportunity to try these! Enjoy!