Get your SH*T together! (meal planning edition)
Woah. That was a harsh headline… but seriously, if you are a human these days, have you ever felt this way? Sometimes, no matter how hard I try, I find that I feel like I can’t always “adult” to some made up standard I’ve come up with. This is a phrase I say often to myself when I realized it’s 8:30 at night on a school night, and I didn’t even think about dinner, or the third time I’ve washed the same load of laundry and feel bad for the water (and electric) I’ve been wasting.
This isn’t a pity session, it’s more of a “there are more humans like us” that merely are winging it in some areas, and learning how to navigate this crazy thing we call life!
Anyway, (GET TO THE POINT I’m yelling at myself) we’re doing one thing to help others like ourselves. We’ve got a cool Meal Planner we created to help ourselves and figured we would share! Click here to grab yours, print as many copies as you’d like, and feel free to send friends here to do the same! It’s free, no strings attached! Make sure you follow us on Facebook. As long as we can swing it, we’ll also post our meal planner for the week to help with ideas for your own!
As always, we love the heck out of you all! Keep on being awesome humans! <3
Our cute adopted kitty, Storm, that is just so sweet!